Try this if your CD is not working.

Last week, I popped in a cd on the book of Daniel by Chuck Missler. For whatever, reason the CD-ROM wasn’t working. I figured i would have to pick up another CD Rom, so I went around looking for ones on I was told that they were pretty inexpensive. Boy,  sure glad waited.  I decided not to buy. God must have had a reason for me to wait. It turns out that had something that worked perfectly. A Fix. I will provide a link this is for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 7 and windows 8.1.

click the “Run now” button

Fix it

after downloading the file, click run


After accepting to the agreement, the program will run a diagnostic

installing Microsoft Fix it

This next step is either have Microsoft do this for you or for you to pick, if your like me you probably just want to get it over  with in that case click Recommend.

applying the fixes (Recommended)

Detecting problems

Next you can either select your device if it’s listed, otherwise select not listed.

selecting cd drive

Then you will be asked if your trying to read or write to that particular drive

Trying to read or write to device

Once it finishes your CD ROM should be working normally.

Thank you Jesus

Putting God First

CD Drive acting up try this!


The Registry Editor in Windows Vista and Windows 7

The Registry Editor in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, we are going to be talking on how to fix a cd drive.  It’s one of those problems sitting in the background, not unlike a sleeper-cell. It wasn’t until I purchased An ASUS laptop.  I recently  had popped open my CD Rom, inserted “Passion of the Christ” to begin to watch a great Movie. Closed the tray and waited,  nothing seemed to be happening. This is when you start to wonder  is there something wrong with the computer. I know I could always, pick up a external CD Rom however, this is not the option one would like if they have a laptop. Who wants to carry an external drive around.

Continue reading

Check the Battery


Exquisite-print printer

Exquisite-print printer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, today lets talk about, how crazy things can get. Last week, I needed to print out something, tried to print on Windows 8, but for whatever reason, the printer was not compatible, so, I grabbed my laptop with Windows 7, and connected it, without the cord, so, threw in the battery. Tried to connect the printer but, for whatever reason, it failed to install even with the disk that came with the printer. so, went to the internet, or say tried. I believe I prayed to get the printer to work.

When I returned the next day, tried to get on the internet, couldn’t get on the internet and now the graphics had switched to classic, which is something I never use. I couldn’t figure this out. figured my computer was on its last leg, already the CD-rom was not working, now, there was no internet and somebody must have been  inside the computer, at least that was my thought.We can think of all sorts of things when the computer is not working properly.

Maybe, the Wireless connector was also going out. I decided to restart the computer. There on the screen appeared that the battery had an issue and needed replacing, I removed the battery and guess what everything worked, printer, internet and Windows 7 was back to its normal graphics. My point is this if you are having issues with your laptop, first remove the battery and see if that fixes your problem.

Putting God first


What is a NTLDR, and why is mine missing?



NTLDR (Photo credit: albjimenez)


The NTLDR(New Technology loader) is launched by the Master Boot Record, known as the MBR. Then the NTLOADER will launch the operating system on the computer. Sometimes, files get corrupted and then you have to reload the ntldr. You do this by accessing the recovery console in Windows.


You will normally see this error message:NTLDR is missing, Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to start”.You will find if you try to just Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to start, it will restart the computer giving you the same error message


To get started you are going to need a Windows XP operating Disc. Take the disc and place it inside the CD-ROM tray,restart the computer, if this is unsuccessful, power down the computer, by pressing in on the power button, until the unit switches off. Then restart the computer.


Once it comes back on you should see the words: ,……hit any key to boot from CD.


Press the Enter key, you will see a “Windows Set-up” screen. it will start to load Windows files after this is done, You will be presented with a few options, to either load Windows, use the Recovery console, or F-3 to exit set-up.


Since we are going to use the Recovery Console, press the letter “R”, you will now see the DOS also known as command Prompt screen.


if you do not wish to use the Recovery Console you can op-out .


It will then ask which operating system you wish to use. if you only have the one operating system, type in” 1″, it will then ask for a password, if you don’t have a password, just click the” Enter” Button.


At the C:\Windows Prompt,


type in HELP, this will give you a list of directories: if you like to have the computer to check the hard drive, at the C: \windows prompt, type in chkdsk This will check the hard drive, .


Once it has checked the hard drive,it will display the words  “the volume appears to be normal and has not been checked.


To do this type in / P if it is too close, it will give you an error message, “The command is not recognized” this would mean, that you did not leave a space between the back-slash and the letter P.  When the computer is done checking, it will display what it found.


To fix the Ntldr that is missing.


type Copy D : i386\ntldr c:\


type Copy D : i386\ c:\


copy D (this is the letter for this CD drive)


If you need to find out what hard drive letter  is on your computer, this is, type in “map” (without the quotes) this will give you all the devices on the computer, and those letters assigned to those devices


i386 (this is the windows system file)


C:\ (is the letter to the hard drive, you may a letter, that is different)


Press enter, you may be prompted to overwrite the ntldr, and type Y for yes.


It should tell you” 1 file copied” do the same for the


To exit the system c:\windows type “Exit”(without quotes)


.If the computer restarts and everything works out, you have fixed the NTLDR, however if it says that it copied the NTLDR, but it still claims that NTLDR is missing, you can do two things, try clean install or buy another hard drive, if you have any extra partition’s try deleting these.


below is a link to do a clean install


How to install a fresh copy of Windows xp


Replacing the Hard drive

Photo of SATA ports on a motherboard

Photo of SATA ports on a motherboard (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today we begin by working on a hp Pavilion a1709n Desktop. We will replacing the hard drive. The old hard drive has died, so we are going to replace it with a Western Digital sata 500GB.

We will start by going into the Bios(Basic Input/Output System) you should be able to find this on the screen when you first start the computer, however if you don’t find it, try one of the Function Key‘s F1 thru F12

Once you have entered the Bios, look for Advanced setting, you will want to look for something that allows you to adjust the boot order, and make the settings for the cd-rom to be the first so when you put in the cd and start the computer, it will start to load Windows.

First off, we want to shut off the computer. Then remove the Keyboard, Mouse, Ethernet, Display, which is either a VGA, or DVI power cord from the back of the computer. Put on your Esd (Electrostatic wrist band) grounding yourself to the computer. Next, remove the cover from the computer, removing the thumb screw and sliding off the cover.

There are three tabs on the inside of the case that holds on the front panel , push in on each of these to remove the front panel, it will swing out.

Remove the Sata (“Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Source: colored wire, and power connector from the back of the hard-drive. you will need to remove the memory card Reader Drive, there is one screw holding in this device, once you slide this out, you can disconnect the cable to the Memory Card Reader or just move it out-of-the-way.

Now, the HP has what is called a latch drive bracket, you have to pull up on the plastic tab to release the hard-drive. Then, you should be able to pull it out through the front of the computer. Remove the new hard drive from the packaging, you will need to remove the mounting screws from the old hard-drive or you can use the several screws that HP has embedded in the front of the computer case.

Once you have screwed in the mounting screws on the hard drive, pull up on the plastic Latch Drive Bracket and slide in the new hard drive. If you are going to use another bay for the hard drive you will have to remove the blank plate, using a flat head screwdriver. Insert and twist to remove this plate.

Once the Hard drive has been slide into the bay, reconnect the Serial(SATA ATA hard drive disk cables to the back of the unit. Reconnect the memory Card Reader Drive,if you had to remove it. Once this is done, remove the ESD static strap from inside the computer, replace the side and front cover.

Now, we can start reformatting the Hard Drive. We will installing Windows Vista Operating system. Take the recovery discs, open up the CD-Rom, pop in the first disc and you should see Windows Loading Files. It will then bring on the screen the recovery Manager, after you click Next, it will ask for the Supplemental disk, place this inside the CD Rom, close the tray and the formatting will begin.

Than it will tell you that it is reformatting the Windows partition of the hard drive. After using the supplemental disk, it will ask for you to put in the first disk. after it is done, it will ask for the Second disk. When it is finished it will display that the “Recovery is Complete.” Click Finish to restart the computer. Make sure you remove the disk.

At some point you will have to produce the product key for the Microsoft operating system. You should find this somewhere on the desktop.

Don’t forget to partition the hard drive. If you notice that the hard drive is only showing 50GB of your 500GB then you didn’t partition the hard drive correctly. Use the Link below

You may need to reinstall Windows, after that your done.

Once at the HP website, type in the model of the computer, this will bring you to the drivers and download page. You want to make sure to update your drivers and the Bios.

Now the Bios is tricky in that if for some reason you lose power while downloading the bios, you will lose the computer. Any interruption of power will cause this to happen. This Bios loads directly to the motherboard, I have done this several times and never ran into a problem.

The link below will take you to the downloading page for drivers and Bios

If you run into any problems working on the computer you can go to the link below

Click to access c00873755.pdf