Which PDF file works best?

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Today, we are going to talk about using a free  PDF reader that will take place of the adobe reader that you have installed on your computer.  The reason for the change,  Foxit reader takes up less memory. If you have the adobe reader, go ahead and uninstall it.

To download Foxit Reader,  head on over to   Click the download tab, in the http://www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/ Click on the Foxit  reader link, check the compatibility, than click download.

After downloaded Click Next > Accept agreement>  Remove the check marks to install the tool-bars and ask.com.   tool-bars slow down the computer>Click continue then >Select Components >Leave those that apply as far as icons on the desktop, start menu, and quick launch, click Next>Enable or disable safe reading mode Next>Install> After Install > Uncheck Run Foxit reader, click Finish and your done.  Now when you need to read a PDF File, this will be your default.