How The Adobe Breach Might Affect You | Foxit Blog


This article explains what safeguards you can use to protect yourself if you are using Adobe Reader and Flash Player. You can drop adobe reader and use Foxit Reader.

I will put a link to their website.

How The Adobe Breach Might Affect You | Foxit Blog.

Has Anyone Seen a Missing Scroll Bar? Phony Flash Update Redirects to Malware | threatpost

Has Anyone Seen a Missing Scroll Bar? Phony Flash Update Redirects to Malware | threatpost.

Adobe – Security Bulletins: APSB13-08 – Security updates available for Adobe Flash Player

There is a security flaw in the adobe flash player, which will allow hackers to take charge of your system. Below is the link. Once you get to the page, click the download tab, and click on Adobe Flash player to update. God Bless

Adobe – Security Bulletins: APSB13-08 – Security updates available for Adobe Flash Player.